UK Consumer Credit Referencing


Open an Account

If you need help or clarification on any of the following please call our helpdesk on 0344 414 1353.

To open an account you must be registered under Data Protection. If you are not registered please see our FAQ here Data Protection RegistrationDo not open an account if you have not got, and do not intend to get Data Protection Registration. Any payments made will not be refunded because of non-registration.

Do not open an account if you are attempting to search your own credit file.

In order to open an account your company will need to pass our due diligence and GDPR compliance examinations. There is an annual compliance and management fee of £120 + VAT. This will not involve you in any work as we handle the process, but the procedure we have to fulfil is mandatory for access to consumer credit data.

Once your account is approved and opened you will be able to search the entire database of UK consumers online. However, you will need to choose and be approved for one of the following categories:

  • Check personal credit scores and credit status for a consumer credit check (You will need an FCA registration)
  • Verify names and addresses for an ID check
  • Directors check on a director offering to guarantee credit extended to their company
  • Vet tenants for a tenant vetting search
  • Screen employees for an employee check

If you need further clarification about these terms please call our helpdesk on 0344 414 1353.

How to Pay

  • By credit card on our Secure Server using the form below
  • To pay by cheque or BACS  please Contact Us before you complete the form below
  • Credits are non-refundable and valid for 3 months from purchase. Unused Credits expire after 3 months
  • A VAT invoice will be sent by email




Account Application Form

Title: (*)
First Name: (*)
Last Name: (*)
Position: (*)
Company Name: (*)
You must be a Limited company to use our service
Company Reg No: (*)
Look up your Company Reg No here
Address1: (*)
Address 2:
Town/City/Area: (*)
Postcode: (*)
Country: (*)
E-mail Address: (*)
Telephone: (* for UK only)
Mobile Telephone:
Search Purpose: (*)


Add Credits

Please Select amount of Credits you want to buy:

Consumer Check Reports

A full Consumer Credit Status Report includes:

  • Full name and address verification
  • Voters roll details (if subject has opted in)
  • Credit rating score
  • County court judgments
  • Bankruptcy or insolvency
  • Notices of Correction
  • History of previous Searches within the same category
  • View a Sample Consumer Check report


Consumer Checks Credits
1 Credits @ £34.95 each total £34.95 + VAT
5 Credits @ £27.50 each total £137.50 + VAT
10 Credits @ £22.95 each total £229.50 + VAT
25 Credits @ £17.50 each total £437.50 + VAT
50 Credits @ £14.95 each total £747.50 + VAT
100 Credits @ £9.95 each total £995.00 + VAT
Notes for this Credit purchase (optional).
These will appear in your payment history for future reference.

I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.


© ConsumerCheck Use of this service is subject to our Terms and Conditions